By Aidan Romo
When the world is going down,
And all my hope is gone,
There is no pure somebody to
Alleviate the rage.
The world is turning mad.
Everything seems sad to
Watch. Let me walk off blind
To the end.
Senators selling us cheap
By the multi-thousands
Because we aren’t what they can use
For their hollow esteem.
The world is raving mad.
Everlasting fads of
Insanity follows
‘Till the end.
Our sphere is catching fevers
For our declining minds.
Rather have a fancy house than
Nurture our real home.
The world is making mad.
People turning bad on
Themselves to cope with things.
Will it end?
Tears of all the destitute
Are drifting far away.
They are getting locked in cages,
They seem too hard to save.
The world is speaking mad
But I can feel glad, for
I got me a good girl
For the end.